Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Surgery To Do List… Better late than never

It seems I haven’t been a very informative blogger for those who may be doing research. I gained lots of info from others blogs and still do so I want to make sure I give back to the Lap Band community. Below I will list the steps I had to take in order to  have Lap Band Surgery. Let me tell you I have lost 17 pounds to date and would do it all over, and over again.
  1. Attend a seminar. The seminar was hosted by one of the surgeons from my doctors office and information about Lap Band, Gastric Bypass, and a new practice the gastric bypass sleeve. My husband who was very nervous about the entire thing went with me for support and also so he too would be informed. I was not only person with a loved one there for support and I highly recommend bringing someone with you. There was a group of 3 friends there together all wanting to improve their life, I thought that was neat.
  2. I had to obtain a referral from my PCP, this was quick and easy.
  3. Next came my surgery consultation with my surgeon and his nurse. My BMI was given to me than and they did say I qualified for Lap Band.
  4. My Surgeon’s office had a list of assignments for me to complete
    1. Meet with their Dietitian 3 times
    2. Attend 3 support group meetings
    3. Have a psych evaluation (I had visions of  ink blots shaped like burgers and sundaes, it was nothing like they that)
    4. Meet with their trainer 2 times before surgery and once after
    5. No smoking (I do not smoke so this was easy, but they did do test to check on those that do smoke and make sure they hadn’t)
    6. Could not gain more than 5 pounds from initial visit until surgery
  5. I was lucky and my insurance Anthem BC/BS did not require a 6 month monitored diet… they based approval on my weight, medical history, and PCP/Surgeons recommendation.
  6. A week prior to the surgery blood work was taken and checked
  7. I did not have to do a pre-op diet, I only had to eat light the day before surgery.

1 comment:

  1. hey lucy!! thanks for following me! you must must post your recipe for the vegeterian meatballs pleaseee! i would love to try those! and in response to you question a couple blogs ago - you bet I've had food melt downs (ahem, ALL last week! lol) but try not to beat yourself up too much over it, as long as you bounce back and don't STAY in the ugly rut where you succumb to head hunger - that's the important part. Are you on My Fitness Pal? I'd love to add you as a friend if so! my username is blondeej!! :)
